Principal's Page
We love "catching" our learners doing the right things even when they think no one is watching. We've established a "Catch 'em Being Good" program at Bear Gulch where learners are given Grizzly Notes when they make good choices. Teachers collect these Grizzly Notes in a class container and each Friday these notes are sent up to the office for prize drawings at the end of the day. One lucky learner from each class is selected to choose a prize for their good behavior.
Learners discuss and learn about a different positive learning trait every two months. Learner created examples of the focus trait are displayed on the MPR board and awards are provided to learners who best exhibit each particular trait throughout the two month period. Additionally, learners who are "caught" displaying the focus trait anywhere on campus receive a special sticker that lets everyone know of their accomplishment. The traits that will be highlighted this year are: Responsibility, Empathy, Curiosity, Initiative, and Problem Solving.
Learners in the 3rd - 5th grades have the opportunity to earn Honor Roll status for exceptional performance on their report cards. Honor Roll learners are recognized each trimester at a special evening themed ceremony. This year's themes include Out of This World Stars (Space theme), Rock Stars (Rock and Roll theme), and All American Stars (Americana theme). Students earn certificates, lanyards and pins that symbolize their commitment to academic excellence and trophies are presented to those who make the Principal's Honor Roll (Straight A's).
Our wonderful custodians, Mr. Don and Mr. Bruce, work hard to catch learners taking care of their belongings and their classrooms by presenting Clean Room and Back Pack Awards each time they find that learners have left their rooms clean at the end of the school day and have neatly hung their back packs on the hooks outside of their classrooms. These awards are saved up to earn various prizes throughout the year.
Good attendance at school is a necessity for student success. We provide several incentives to encourage students to maintain excellent attendance throughout the year such as No Tardy Parties, Attendance Challenges, Perfect Attendance certificates and class pencils for classroom "Perfect Attendance".
Learners who display appropriate recess and lunchtime behavior have the opportunity to earn Bear Bucks which are collected and saved up to "purchase" numerous incentives during lunchtime at the Bear Bucks Store. Incentives range from paw print pencils to Bear Gulch imprinted soccer bags and Bear Gulch spirit day shirts.