At the start of each school year, we typically send out paper forms that must be collected from each student for our student information system. Due to COVID-19, we are sending these forms out electronically this year. Click on each link and complete the questionnaires for each student that you have enrolled at our school. It is mandatory that we receive a completed form for each student, and please know that these forms are confidential and responses will only be shared with appropriate staff. Medi-Cal Consent form (explanation attached) Student Health Information Student Residency Questionnaire
over 4 years ago, Principal Renee Barnett
Medi-Cal Billing Program Overview
Cougar Cubs! Remember to show your Cub Spirit and participate everyday this week in our “So Long to Summer” Spirit Week! We have only 21 days of summer left this year. Tomorrow is TROPICAL TUESDAY! We're saying "ALOHA" so wear a tropical T-shirt or a Hawaiian lei to your ZOOM Class tomorrow! Join us in our Virtual Spirit Week all this week! Ask your teachers to take pictures of the class, and your class may be featured on our Website! And remember Cubs, ask you parents to download our school’s website if they haven’t already to stay informed and to see our Cubs featured throughout the year! I’m looking forward to seeing you all show your Cub Spirit! Have a Fun-tastic Tropical Tuesday! Dr. Barnett
over 4 years ago, Principal Renee Barnett
Spirit Week
"Our children can be our greatest teachers if we are humble enough to receive their lessons." -Bryant McGill
over 4 years ago, Central School District
We are all struggling and doing the best we can in these tough times.
Good Morning Cougar Cubs and Parents, We have received news that the Zoom platform is having difficulties in many areas across the country and experienced outages in many areas on the East coast. At this time, it appears to be working in our area; however, we may experience connectivity issues throughout the day. Should there be any issues with students connecting with their teachers, teachers will post assignments in See Saw for students to continue working on their academics and receiving feedback from their teachers throughout the day. Should there be an outage, please have your student attempt to reconnect on the half hour throughout the school day. We will keep you updated. Dr. Barnett
over 4 years ago, Principal Renee Barnett
Good Evening Cougar Cub Families! As a quick reminder, I’m sure your teachers have shared with you that tomorrow is distribution day, and I believe all of our classes are participating in some way. If your teacher has let you know she does not have materials for you to pick up, there is no need for you to come to the school tomorrow for materials. We are providing an opportunity for teachers to get materials to students, and in the upcoming weeks, for students to return materials to teachers. If you’re expecting to pick materials up tomorrow, you may come through our Drive-Through Pick-up anytime between 8:00am – 10:00am. We are trying to make this an easy and convenient process. You will not have to get out of your car, we will hand you the materials and you can be on your way! If this is not a good time for you to pick your materials up, you can come to the Front Office tomorrow between 10:00am – 3:00pm and the Office Staff will help you. If tomorrow is not a good day at all, you can come to the Front Office anytime next week between 8:00am – 3:00pm. Just remember, teachers may be referencing some of the things they have for you to pick up during the class sessions next week. Also, for 3rd-5th grade students, your Music Teacher, Ms. Ramos, has Recorders that you can borrow from the school. All 3rd – 5th grade students will be learning to play the Recorder and will need this instrument for Music Class which starts on Monday and Tuesday of next week. Enjoy the rest of your evening and we hope to see you tomorrow during the Drive Through Pick-up time! Dr. Barnett
over 4 years ago, Principal Renee Barnett
Here are some tips to help students and to ensure a positive experience for all online classroom participants:
over 4 years ago, Central School District
Zoom Etiquette
Congratulations Cougar Cubs, Cub families, and Cougar Cub Staff! Week 1 was outstanding! We had a successful week of distributing text books and instructional materials to our Cubs in TK through 5th grades! Teachers and Para-educators Zoomed with their students, many students quickly picked up how to get into their classes and, in some cases, switch from one class to another successfully! All in all, as a community, the week ended on a high note! Thanks to our school community for being patient and supportive of our staff and students as we navigate our new learning platform together. We could not do this without such supportive parents! Thank You!!! Please take a few minutes to view our video featuring the start of our school year in Distance Learning! To access the video, please click the link below. Thanks to several students in Mrs. Catingub's Kindergarten class and Ms. Licano's First Grade class who are featured in our video, along with our Proctors and teachers supporting our Distribution Day! We are ready for Week 2!!!
over 4 years ago, Principal Renee Barnett
Cougar Cubs R.O.A.R. with Pride
Good Evening Cougar Cubs and Cub Parents! First of all, I’d like to say thank you to all of our parents who completed data verification by last week! We have 96% of our students’ data verified and class assignments complete! This will definitely make tomorrow’s first day much easier for those families who were able to complete this process before the first day of school. If you were not able to complete your student’s data verification, please come to the school tomorrow, or call the office, for assistance. Most of you were also able to come to the school last week to pick up your Cub’s textbooks. If you were not able to make it last week, please come to the school tomorrow, or call the front office for assistance with textbooks. Some of you may not have received your requested computer device to access the virtual classroom. Our IT department is working hard to get the devices distributed, so if you have not received your device, please know they will get to you as soon as they possibly can. Until then, just contact the office daily to let our attendance office know you have not yet been assigned a laptop and your Cub is not able to get online as of yet, and your Cub will not be marked absent for the day. As your teachers let you know last week during Back-To-School Night, we are all in this together, taking it one step at a time. We will support each other as we begin this new Distance Learning Journey. Although I may not see you on campus tomorrow, I look forward to seeing all of my Cougar Cubs in their virtual classrooms throughout the week! Get some rest tonight! Your teachers look forward to seeing you bright and early tomorrow morning: 8:30am for our Early Birds and 1st -5th graders, and 11:30am for our Late Birds! Welcome to the 2020-21 school year! Dr. Barnett
over 4 years ago, Principal Renee Barnett
Welcome Back
Watch this tutorial for parents on how to access your student's email login and password through Aeries:
over 4 years ago, Central School District
CSD Stronger Together Graphic
Get ready for Back to School on Monday, August 10th
over 4 years ago, Central School District
What to Expect on August 10
TEXTBOOK PICK-UP – South Parking Lot at Central Elementary We will distribute textbooks and materials teachers may send home for students to use in their Zoom classes next week using the following schedule. You may pick up your Cougar Cub’s textbooks during any of these sessions. We ask that everyone remain in your car, as this will be a drive through process for Social Distancing. If you do not have transportation, please contact the office at (909)987-2541 and schedule a time to pick-up your Cub’s textbooks and materials. • Wednesday, August 5th, from 8:00am – 10:00am • Thursday, August 6th, from 8:00am – 10:00am • Friday, August 7th, from 8:00am – 10:00am If you have not completed your student’s Data Verification in the Parent Portal, your child will not be assigned a teacher and textbooks will not be distributed until the process has been completed. Please complete this process by August 2nd to prevent a delay in your child receiving his/her teacher assignment and school materials.
over 4 years ago, Principal Renee Barnett
Textbook Clip Art
VIRTUAL BACK-TO-SCHOOL NIGHT AUGUST 6, 2020 TK – 2ND = 5:00pm – 5:30pm 3rd – 5th = 5:30pm – 6:00pm
over 4 years ago, Principal Renee Barnett
Virtual Back-To-School Night
Cougar Cub Families, Welcome to our newest Cougar Cubs and their families! Welcome-back to our returning Cubs and their families! We look forward to a very successful and highly engaging year as we approach the opening of the 2020-21 school year! Although the class settings will look very different as we begin our school year, our staff maintains our high expectations for teaching and learning! As you know, because of the recent increase in confirmed COVID-19 cases in our county, Central School District will begin the school year in a Distance Learning Program. Our first day of Distance Learning Instruction will be August 10th. We will host our Virtual Back-To-School Night on August 6th, before school begins, to share schedules and expectations with parents and students. Please refer to our website for the specific times grade levels will host their Virtual Back-To-School Night. If you don’t have the App, you may download the App for free. Search for CSD 91730 in your App store. You will be contacted by your Cub’s classroom teacher on Tuesday, August 4th so that your Cub knows how to log in to class for the first day of school on Monday, August 10th. Please know, if you have not completed Data Verification on the Parent Portal, your Cub will not be officially assigned a teacher or receive an electronic device if one is needed. Please go on the Parent Portal and complete Data Verification for each child you have enrolled at Central Elementary by August 2nd. If you need assistance in completing this process, please contact our office between 8:00am-4:00pm Monday-Friday. All students in the district will receive instruction from their classroom teacher during normal school hours Monday – Friday. Teachers will use Seesaw and/or Office 365 to deliver virtual instruction to their students throughout the school day. Elementary students will receive instruction from their assigned classroom teacher throughout the day with a regular lunch period and recess included. Videos may be used for PE, music and other instruction as appropriate. Early release Wednesdays will still be observed. If your child does not have access to a device in order to participate in online learning, please call the district office at (909) 484-5301. If leaving a message please make sure to leave your child’s first and last name, school, grade level and student identification number if you know it and our technology department will get back to you. If your child receives special education services, his or her service providers will be contacting you the week of August 10th on how their services will be provided during distance learning. Enjoy the remainder of your summer break! Dr. Barnett, Principal
over 4 years ago, Principal Renee Barnett
August 10th - Distance Learning Program
Please click the link below for the latest updates concerning CSD's distance learning program. Thank you. Central School District
over 4 years ago, Central School District
In order to finalize registration for the first day of school and ensure your child's class placement/schedule, all families must complete online data confirmation in the Aeries parent portal. Please go to and log in with your email address and password in order to verify your information and complete the process. If you have forgotten your password, please click on the "Forgot Password" link and enter your email. If you still cannot log in, please call the CSD Tech Department at 909-484-5301.
over 4 years ago, Central School District
Aeries Parent Portal Login Image
Central School District will welcome all students back to school via the Distance Learning Model on August 10, 2020. For more information about the plan for reopening click the following link.
over 4 years ago, Central School District
Data confirmation is open and available by logging into your Aeries parent portal account. Completing data confirmation will greatly reduce the amount of time and paperwork and is necessary before classes are assigned for the 20-21 school year. Please go to log in with your email address and password. If you have forgotten your password, please click on the “Forgot Password” link and enter your email. If you still cannot log in please call the CSD Tech Department at 909-484-5301 and we will be happy to help.
over 4 years ago, Central School District
over 4 years ago, Central School District
Pandemic EBT Image
3rd Grade student belongings Pick-Up Date is this Friday, 5/8/20, from 10:00am - NOON.
over 4 years ago, Central School District
2nd Grade student belongings Pick-Up Date is Friday, 5/15/20, from 10:00am - NOON.
over 4 years ago, Central School District