Central School District Summer Program for qualifying students. June 2nd to June 30th, 2023, Monday-Friday 8am- 5pm at Coyote Canyon Elementary. Breakfast, lunch, and snack provided. Free program offered for incoming 1st-6th grades. Please fill out the intent to apply link and our staff will inform families with additional information once enrollment begins. Please note, completing the link does not guarantee enrollment in Think Together's summer program. https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=5o1zXiVYzU6hr8cU2K-4XNCf-99AJdhCtYqXVeYnsFBURUxRVDBJQTVUMEZDMVlMWDM3SjJMTkZSQSQlQCN0PWcu&origin=QRCode
almost 2 years ago, Central School District
Summer School
Summer School
Dear Dona Families, We are thrilled to be getting back to our normal school activities! We have after school clubs starting shortly. Look for flyers to be sent home with additional details. All students on campus will be able to join at least one club if they so choose. • Tomorrow our 4th grade students have their field study trip to Mission San Juan Capistrano from 8:30am - 2:45pm. Please be on time as buses will leave promptly! • We are planning to return to our pre-Covid dismissal practices beginning next Monday, October 3rd. Students will be dismissing at the same times they do currently, they will just be waiting in front of the MPR. I will send a reminder with additional details this Friday. • Tomorrow is Career Day, so dress up for the career you would like to have when you grow up! We will have fun career related activities during recess times. • Soccer practice for the 5th the grade team begins tomorrow after school. They have 5 spots left so if you are interested, please turn in your form tomorrow. Have a wonderful week!
over 2 years ago, Principal Tamayo
CSD Guiding Coalition Our first meeting to gather input on refreshing our district’s vision, mission, and strategic plan is next Wednesday, September 26 from 4:30 – 6 pm. We would love to have you attend! For more information, read the news story on the front page of our website at http://CentralSD.net . Let us know you if you plan to attend by completing our RSVP form at https://forms.office.com/r/aLrRxqDgSR . We would like to ensure we have enough seats and refreshments for the group. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Central School District
Dear Dona Families, Parent Teacher Conferences: Next week is our Parent Teacher Conference Week with a 1:20 dismissal for grades 1-5. All Kindergarteners will be on early cub schedule from 8:30-12:45 daily. Make sure to sign up for a conference with your teacher. Book Fair: We will have our PTA Book Fair Family Night in the MPR on Wednesday evening from 4-7pm. Peps Original Flautas y Mas food truck will be available from 4-7pm as well. Classes will also be visiting the Book Fair separately next week. We hope to see you there! 5th Grade Soccer: We will have a parent information meeting for our 5th Grade Soccer Program on Monday evening at 5pm in the library. Have a wonderful weekend!
over 2 years ago, Principal Tamayo
Wednesday, August 3 is the first day of school. We are so excited to have our students return to our school sites! Drop off traffic may cause delays, so please be patient with us. If your child is sick, please keep them at home and we will be happy to welcome them back into school when they are feeling better. This 2022-23 school year is going to be great! Together we are CSD!
over 2 years ago, Central School District
Dona Merced will host a Family Orientation Night in the MPR on Monday, 8/1/22 from 4:30 p.m. to 6pm. Families will find out who their student's teacher is and the Kona Ice truck will be here to serve yummy treats!
over 2 years ago, Central School District
Kona Ice
Breakfast and lunch will be offered at NO CHARGE to all students during the 2022/2023 school year. No meal application needed! Questions? Contact Child Nutrition at (909) 484-2702.
over 2 years ago, Child Nutrition Services
No Charge Meals For All Students - SY 22/23
Our 5th graders enjoyed a walk to the bowling area for a fun end of the year event. Thanks, PTA for providing a great time for our students!
over 2 years ago, Principal Pam Schlappi
bowling party
Doña 5th graders made history today, beating the staff at our annual softball game!
over 2 years ago, Principal Pam Schlappi
softball game
softball game
softball game
Yesterday was an exciting one at Doña Merced. Several staff members were recognized for reaching milestones of service - 5, 10, 15 and 20 years! Students also got to meet Dr. Tamayo, their new principal for next school year!
over 2 years ago, Principal Pam Schlappi
Teachers receiving service pins
new principal
We had a wonderful time meeting our incoming kindergarten students for next year at Kindergarten Orientation!
almost 3 years ago, Principal Pam Schlappi
kindergarten orientation
kindergarten classroom
kindergarten orientation
Our student body was treated to a delightful and informative visit to a biography museum put on by our amazing 5th grade scholars.
almost 3 years ago, Principal Pam Schlappi
Biography Museum
Biography Museum
Biography Museum
Students are enjoying a fun week with a live book fair on campus. In a collaborative effort with PTA and the staff, we were able to make it work! Teachers have the option to send any student who was unable to purchase on their scheduled day to the book fair on Friday between 9:00 and noon to shop.
almost 3 years ago, Principal Pam Schlappi
School Book Fair
School Book Fair
What an absolute joy it was to get to do our last Jaguar Jubilee of the year in person, together in the library, the first time in over 2 years! It was a great way to end the school week.
almost 3 years ago, Principal Pam Schlappi
Jaggy mascot
kids dancing with jaggy
Leprechauns were out in full force on Doña’s campus yesterday! Our first graders even found gold coins on the playground!
almost 3 years ago, Principal Pam Schlappi
St Patrick's Day at school
Thanks to everyone who supported our Bruster's fundraiser! Staff, families and dogs all enjoyed the delicious ice-cream!
almost 3 years ago, Principal Pam Schlappi
students, teachers and dog eating icecream
Mrs. Gregoire's kinder students are enjoying some St. Patrick's Day math!
almost 3 years ago, Principal Pam Schlappi
students adding using manipulatives
student  doing math with manipulatives
Ms. Beckie, our library tech, has been reading the book Wishtree by Katherine Applegate to our 4th and 5th grade students this year. They have designated this week as Library Wish Week and are celebrating this amazing book giving students the opportunity to write a wish for the tree.
almost 3 years ago, Principal Pam Schlappi
Wishtree book
Boy hanging wish on wishtree
girl hanging wish on wish tree
Wish tree
Proctor Christy Humbles was appreciated with a sweet gift in honor of Chinese New Year. What a wonderful gesture to begin Kindness Month!
about 3 years ago, Principal Pam Schlappi
proctor holding flowers for Chinese New Year
Our computer lab is coming to life with characters from well-loved books, thanks to our PCI, Allison Castro and Proctor Cynthia Hernandez!
about 3 years ago, Principal Pam Schlappi
Book bulletin boards