Did you know you can see this guy on the Koala cam? This and other animal cams as well as meditation and breathing techniques are available on our school counselor page. Your mental health matters. Check it out in the Counselor Calming Center! https://rmms-csd-ca.schoolloop.com/counselor
about 4 years ago, Principal Robert Clobes
RMMS Bulldogs
We have the best kids and the best team at CSD...congrats to Ashley for student of the month and thank you Ms. Libutti for the support!! #Believeinyourself
about 4 years ago, Principal Robert Clobes
RMMS Bulldogs
Many families are experiencing increased stress as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. See attached flier for strategies on managing stress for caregivers and kids. https://5il.co/lq4p
about 4 years ago, Central School District
COVID 19 Stress
Attention parents of preschool-aged children: Enrollment opportunity for a new state preschool program for eligible families. Enrollment information is also available on district and school websites under "Parent Resources." https://5il.co/lpd4
about 4 years ago, Central School District
State Preschool Program
Need something for the heat? Order Kona Ice and they will deliver... https://konaiceranchocucamonga.square.site/
about 4 years ago, Principal Robert Clobes
Congrats to our Students of the Month for August!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK6ulhhySpw&t=7s #BulldogStrong #BelieveinYourself
about 4 years ago, Principal Robert Clobes
RMMS Bulldogs
Meet Ms. Rojo's Scholars - We can do virtually anything together! https://youtube.com/watch?v=ugFK7ReEVPc&t=3s #BulldogStrong #BelievinYourself
about 4 years ago, Principal Robert Clobes
RMMS Bulldogs
In addition to our recent 2020 National Blue Ribbon School, we are proud to have 5 ERP Honor Roll awards, which recognizes high-performing schools and districts: https://dataportal.edresults.org/Metrics/HonorRoll
about 4 years ago, Central School District
Honor Roll Logo 2018-19
Renna shares some tips for keeping a positive perspective during distance learning: https://youtu.be/dEpkxm3aV7E
about 4 years ago, Central School District
Giving positive news
Happy Birthday to our fabulous Attendance Clerk, Suzanne Stretz!
about 4 years ago, Principal Robert Clobes
RMMS Bulldogs
Today the U.S. Dept. of Ed. announced that Central School District’s COYOTE CANYON ELEMENTARY is a 2020 National Blue Ribbon School for Exemplary Achievement Gap Closing. Congratulations to our incredible students, staff and families on this incredible recognition!
about 4 years ago, Central School District
Coyote Canyon 2020 National Blue Ribbon School
Our dedicated food services staffs serving free meals for all children behind “masked” smiles 😁 at all school sites today. Thank you for providing this essential service to our CSD families & community! Meals served every M & W from 11-12:30
about 4 years ago, Central School District
Food services staffs providing meals for children
Students of the Month! Congrats, Bulldogs!! #BelieveinYourself #Bulldogstrong
about 4 years ago, Principal Robert Clobes
RMMS Bulldogs
Some friendly (and fun!) reminders on Zoom best practices: https://youtu.be/ld7YNv48YhA
about 4 years ago, Central School District
Thumbs up
Bulldogs! Our library is open to check out books and e-books. https://youtu.be/cgqEYab3kB0 #Bulldogstrong #BElieveinYOUrself
over 4 years ago, Principal Robert Clobes
Worth Living For - WSPD2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lErvSDcKWyg&feature=youtu.be #Bulldogstrong #BElieveinYOUrself
over 4 years ago, Principal Robert Clobes
At the start of each school year, we typically send out paper forms that must be collected from each student for our student information system. Due to COVID-19, we are sending these forms out electronically this year. Click on each link below and complete the questionnaires for each student that you have enrolled at our school. It is mandatory that we receive a completed form for each student, and please know that these forms are confidential, and responses will only be shared with appropriate staff. Medi-Cal Consent form https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=9bJ-JOofak-9HIUvixLq5woZPVfkojNHmt3Yd-Dao_xUNjIyM1ZDV0tJN0VDRFlIQlVJWUg1WTVVWS4u Medi-Cal Explanation https://centralelementary-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/rclobes_csd_k12_ca_us/ERk7QJ7EYO5Hi7xp39U19QIB1bMgVrgPGGYMiUR_xaAiiQ?e=5QXtko Student Health Information https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=9bJ-JOofak-9HIUvixLq5woZPVfkojNHmt3Yd-Dao_xUN1dVQ01XSDROMFk4UUo3N0FDTERLVzBHVC4u Student Residency Questionnaire https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=9bJ-JOofak-9HIUvixLq5woZPVfkojNHmt3Yd-Dao_xUQzNXNEVGVUVLQ0ZBN0JTVDhaVTQzMURCMC4u
over 4 years ago, Principal Robert Clobes
RMMS Bulldogs
Exciting News, Bulldogs! Our library is opening soon... Mr. Clobes will send out an email with details on how to check out e-books and physical books...stay tuned #believeinyourself
over 4 years ago, Principal Robert Clobes
September Virtual Spirit Wear #BelieveinYourself
over 4 years ago, Principal Robert Clobes
Spirit Wear
CSD is providing free Grab & Go meals for any child ages 2-18 at all school sites.
over 4 years ago, Central School District
Free Meals for Children Information