Bear Gulch Elementary School is hosting a book fair! Please visit our book fair website for more information.

Central School District Summer Program for qualifying students.
June 2nd to June 30th, 2023, Monday-Friday 8am- 5pm at Coyote Canyon Elementary. Breakfast, lunch, and snack provided. Free program offered for incoming 1st-6th grades. Please fill out the intent to apply link and our staff will inform families with additional information once enrollment begins. Please note, completing the link does not guarantee enrollment in Think Together's summer program.

Bear Gulch is hosting a fundraiser at Sal’s Pizza & Pasta on Wednesday, February 8th from 4-9 pm
S.E. Corner of 19th and Carnelian next to Sprouts and AAA
1 (909) 989-5547

CSD Guiding Coalition Our first meeting to gather input on refreshing our district’s vision, mission, and strategic plan is next Wednesday, September 26 from 4:30 – 6 pm. We would love to have you attend! For more information, read the news story on the front page of our website at http://CentralSD.net . Let us know you if you plan to attend by completing our RSVP form at https://forms.office.com/r/aLrRxqDgSR . We would like to ensure we have enough seats and refreshments for the group. Thank you!

We will have our first English Learner Advisory Committee meeting on Monday, August 29th in the MPR at 8:45am. // Tendremos nuestra primera reunión del Comité Asesor de Aprendices de Inglés el lunes 29 de agosto en el MPR a las 8:45 am.

There will be no school this Friday, August 26th. It is a non-student day for staff professional development. Enjoy the long weekend and see you on Monday!

There was an error on our last post about volunteer orientation. :(
Volunteer Orientation will be taking place tomorrow, Tuesday, August 23rd at 8:45am in our Computer Lab. It will be led by our PCI Michelle Coutts. Hope you can make it! :)

Bear Gulch is looking for parent volunteers! If you are interested, please join us on Thursday, August 23rd @ 8:45 in our computer lab. #togetherwearecsd

Wednesday, August 3 is the first day of school. We are so excited to have our students return to our school sites! Drop off traffic may cause delays, so please be patient with us. If your child is sick, please keep them at home and we will be happy to welcome them back into school when they are feeling better. This 2022-23 school year is going to be great! Together we are CSD!

Breakfast and lunch will be offered at NO CHARGE to all students during the 2022/2023 school year. No meal application needed! Questions? Contact Child Nutrition at (909) 484-2702.

New Isolation/Quarantine Guidelines and COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Tests Update
As communicated to our Staff and Parents/Guardians on Friday, January 14, 2022, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has updated the K-12 Guidance for Schools. Students and Staff have the option of continuing with a standard 10 days isolation/quarantine period, or choose to have a shortened 5 days isolation/quarantine period with a negative test and no fever and resolving symptoms. Additional days may be needed for Students or Staff members who are continuously exposed by living with a confirmed positive family member. The new isolation/quarantine protocol may be found on our website (www.centralsd.net) in the COVID-19 section. Our school sites and HR department will continue to assist in calculating the return date for our Staff and Students. If your child is currently in isolation/quarantine and you would like information on how the new guidelines for shortened isolation/quarantine may allow your child to return to school earlier, please call your school.
The State provided at-home COVID-19 rapid tests for students attending In-person schooling have been distributed to our schools. Look for communication from your child’s school. Each student will be given 1 kit with 2 tests in each kit. An instructional video on how to administer the iHealth rapid test is on our website (www.centralsd.net) in the COVID-19 section.
In addition, residential households in the U.S. can now order one set of 4 free at-home tests from the United States Postal Service (USPS). It is limited to one order per residential address and will ship free starting in late January. To order your free at-home COVID-19 test from the USPS, go to their website at https://special.usps.com/testkits to complete the order form.

As communicated to our Staff and Parents/Guardians on Friday, January 14, 2022, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has updated the K-12 Guidance for Schools. Students and Staff have the option of continuing with a standard 10 days isolation/quarantine period, or choose to have a shortened 5 days isolation/quarantine period with a negative test and no fever and resolving symptoms. Additional days may be needed for Students or Staff members who are continuously exposed by living with a confirmed positive family member. The new isolation/quarantine protocol may be found on our website (www.centralsd.net) in the COVID-19 section. Our school sites and HR department will continue to assist in calculating the return date for our Staff and Students. If your child is currently in isolation/quarantine and you would like information on how the new guidelines for shortened isolation/quarantine may allow your child to return to school earlier, please call your school.
The State provided at-home COVID-19 rapid tests for students attending In-person schooling have been distributed to our schools. Look for communication from your child’s school. Each student will be given 1 kit with 2 tests in each kit. An instructional video on how to administer the iHealth rapid test is on our website (www.centralsd.net) in the COVID-19 section.
In addition, residential households in the U.S. can now order one set of 4 free at-home tests from the United States Postal Service (USPS). It is limited to one order per residential address and will ship free starting in late January. To order your free at-home COVID-19 test from the USPS, go to their website at https://special.usps.com/testkits to complete the order form.

New Isolation/Quarantine Guidelines and COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Tests Update
As communicated to our Staff and Parents/Guardians on Friday, January 14, 2022, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has updated the K-12 Guidance for Schools. Students and Staff have the option of continuing with a standard 10 days isolation/quarantine period, or choose to have a shortened 5 days isolation/quarantine period with a negative test and no fever and resolving symptoms. Additional days may be needed for Students or Staff members who are continuously exposed by living with a confirmed positive family member. The new isolation/quarantine protocol may be found on our website (www.centralsd.net) in the COVID-19 section. Our school sites and HR department will continue to assist in calculating the return date for our Staff and Students. If your child is currently in isolation/quarantine and you would like information on how the new guidelines for shortened isolation/quarantine may allow your child to return to school earlier, please call your school.
The State provided at-home COVID-19 rapid tests for students attending In-person schooling have been distributed to our schools. Look for communication from your child’s school. Each student will be given 1 kit with 2 tests in each kit. An instructional video on how to administer the iHealth rapid test is on our website (www.centralsd.net) in the COVID-19 section.
In addition, residential households in the U.S. can now order one set of 4 free at-home tests from the United States Postal Service (USPS). It is limited to one order per residential address and will ship free starting in late January. To order your free at-home COVID-19 test from the USPS, go to their website at https://special.usps.com/testkits to complete the order form.

Before Winter Break, our Student Council collected over 600 cans of food from our generous families. These cans were utilized to construct a Canned Tree for Feeding America during the Christmas on Euclid event in Ontario on December 11th. Thank you all for your participation!
Now it is time to VOTE for our Bear Gulch Canned Tree during the Canned Tree Wonderland Competition! Please click on the link below and vote for the Bear Gulch Canned Tree in the Collect and Build Category. Voting is only open through January 1st and winners will be announced on January 15th. Please help spread the word! We appreciate your support and your vote!

Join us at Chuck E. Cheese on Hellman and Foothill on Wednesday night for our Family Night Out! Proceeds will benefit our school programs. We hope to see you there!

The district is pleased to work with stakeholders to develop a three-year plan to help identify how to allocate one-time federal funds under the Elementary Secondary Schools Emergency Relief funds because of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The dates of the survey are from now through October 10, 2021. Please help us by sharing your thoughts on ways we can improve our support to students, staff, and the community.
A live link can be found in our News section under ESSER III Plan Survey.

Parent-Teacher Conference Week is this week. Please ensure that you have confirmed your virtual conference time with your child's teacher. Remember that all kindergarten learners attend in the a.m. session this week and are released at 12:45 pm. All 1st-5th graders will be released at 1:20 pm this entire week. Thank you for practicing safety and patience in our parking lots as more people than usual will be picking up their children at the same time.

Picture Day is this Tuesday! You can order your child's pictures by sending back the order form to your child's teacher or by going to the Lifetouch website at https://my.lifetouch.com/ and entering our school code: EVTZSD6VR

Our Gourmet Treats and Popcorn fundraiser has begun! Learners have until Wednesday, September 15th to ask friends and families to purchase items. Prizes are awarded based on the number of items sold and the class who earns the most money will be treated to a movie with treats in the MPR. Cash or checks made payable to Bear Gulch FOBG will be accepted. Online orders with credit cards are also accepted at ezpay.pacificfundraisers.com and using the Group ID code: BEARGULCH
Thank you for helping your child to raise money for our school programs! We appreciate your support!

Support your school and enjoy a yummy meal at the same time. Drive-thru or eat-in at Carl's Jr. in Upland next Wednesday, September 8th, and 25% of the total proceeds will be donated back to Bear Gulch to support our student programs. Please ensure that you show an employee the flyer that will be coming home with your child or tell them you are supporting our school when you pay.