“Of all the subjects taught in school, Physical Education is the only subject which, by the very nature of its content, has the potential to affect how a person will feel every moment of every day for the rest of his or her life.”--Allen Russell

CMS Physical Education Philosophy

It is our belief that physical education and activity are an integral part of every student’s education. We believe that CMS students should be given the chance to participate in a wide variety of activities. In each activity offered, the student will receive an introduction, strategies, rules, fundamental skills, drills, and an opportunity to play in team/individual situations. Physical activity also aids people in achieving and maintaining a good social and emotional balance in their lives. The skills, activities, and knowledge, which will be offered in our program, will be invaluable to students.

CMS Physical Education Overarching Standards

1: Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

2: Students demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.

3: Students assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and performance.

4: Students demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles, and strategies to improve health and performance.

5: Students demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.