8th Grade Parents and Guardians, I apologize; the incorrect flyer was attached to today's earlier message from our school. Please see the following link (or see link on right side of front page of our school's website) for the information regarding Friday morning's 8th Grade promotion: https://centralelementary-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/jmckissick_csd_k12_ca_us/ETl92zU_p9dDgYayyD3_dccBLgKrELJtfvBtNDCY1tt6lg?e=3W7zVP
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Julie McKissick
school's out
Good Evening CMS Parents and Guardians of 8th Grade Students, Please see the link below for a flyer/information on our 8th Grade Promotion on Friday morning, May 28th. The link is also on the front page of our CMS website on the right hand side. Thank you and have a lovely evening. https://centralelementary-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/jmckissick_csd_k12_ca_us/ETpkTSJWsa1Grt-oUQue10oBey41s4z3cFl-0kQM5qApbA?e=17K6vx
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Julie McKissick
School's Out
Good Evening CMS Parents & Guardians, Students can return district laptops, chargers, and hotspots early if they have an alternative device to use, such as a personal laptop, tablet, or smart cell phone. Please note that the last day of school, Friday, May 28th, is going to be like “Asynchronous Mondays”. However, students will check-in at 9 a.m. with their 3rd Period teachers for 30 minutes (and be assigned asynchronous work). If your student still has a district laptop, charger, and/or hotspot after Friday, May 28th, then please drive by and drop these off at our tent station in front of the school on Tuesday, June 1st, or Wednesday, June 2nd, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, May 31st is a national holiday and the school office will be closed. Thank you and I hope you have a great evening.
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Julie McKissick
School's Out!
Good Evening CMS Parents and Guardians. Please note that in-person students are not allowed to bring backpacks or large bags to campus next week, Tuesday, May 25th to Thursday, May 27th. Please remind all students to log into their 3rd Period class on Monday, May 24th, at 10 a.m. and their 3rd Period class on Friday, May 28th, at 9 a.m. Monday and Friday next week are asynchronous; there will be regular instruction and periods on Tuesday to Thursday (week of May 24th-28th). Thank you and I hope you have a great evening.
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Julie McKissick
Good Evening, There will be free grab and go meals provided this summer by the Chaffey Joint Union High School District. Please see flyer on the following link or look under Parent Resources on our CMS website. https://centralelementary-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/jmckissick_csd_k12_ca_us/ETpkTSJWsa1Grt-oUQue10oBey41s4z3cFl-0kQM5qApbA?e=jz2VCQ
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Julie McKissick
School Lunch
Please see the attached end of year letter from Superintendent Libutti: https://5il.co/t0ku
over 3 years ago, Central School District
Hello! We have a quick health reminder for CMS Parents and Guardians. 1. Temperatures are rising. If your child is attending school in person, please send them with a water bottle. We have water bottle filling stations on campus. 2. If you have a 6th grader, please be sure to make an appointment for him/her to get the required Tdap vaccination and turn in a copy of the immunization record to our school office in order to attend 7th grade in the fall (if you have not done so already). Thank you and I hope you have a nice evening.
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Julie McKissick
hot sun
Good Evening CMS Parents & Guardians, Students can return district laptops, chargers, and hotspots early if they have an alternative device to use, such as a personal laptop, tablet, or smart cell phone. Please note that the last day of school, Friday, May 28th, is going to be like “Asynchronous Mondays”. However, students will check-in at 9 a.m. with their 3rd Period teachers for 30 minutes (and be assigned asynchronous work). If your student still has a district laptop, charger, and/or hotspot after Friday, May 28th, then please drive by and drop these off at our tent station in front of the school on Tuesday, June 1st, or Wednesday, June 2nd, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, May 31st is a national holiday and the school office will be closed. Thank you and I hope you have a great evening.
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Julie McKissick
School's Out!
Good morning 8th grade families, We are excited that we will be having our Promotion on May 28th from 10 am to 12:30 pm. It will be drive-thru style using both the lower and upper parking lots. The promotion begins with making only a right turn into the lower parking lot from Church Ave. This means that there will be a steady flow of cars on Church Ave. We will be collecting your student’s district device that morning as well. There are two sessions: one session from 10 am to 11:15 and 11:15 am to 12:30 pm according to their Period 3 teachers. A few things to remember: Students MUST turn in their district devices prior to or the morning of this event. Right turn only into the lower parking lot from Church Ave. Session 10 am teachers- Espinosa, Bogle, Brio, Karner, Ruebsamen, Ties, Vandergrift, Trigueros Session 11:15 teachers- Bruton, Cole, Elvin, Misawa, Vicente
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Lisa Rush
Good Evening CMS Parents and Guardians. Please note that in-person students are not allowed to bring backpacks or large bags to campus the last week of school, Tuesday, May 25th to Thursday, May 27th. Please remind your students to log into their 3rd Period class on Monday, May 24th, at 10 a.m. and their 3rd Period class on Friday, May 28th, at 9 a.m. Monday and Friday of our last week are asynchronous; there will be regular instruction and periods on Tuesday to Thursday (week of May 24th-28th). Thank you and I hope you have a great evening.
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Julie McKissick
CMS strong
My apologies, please have your students log into their period 2 class at 12:50. Thank you
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Lisa Rush
Families, Internet and phone service has been restored at Cucamonga Middle School. If your student is in Distance Learning, please have them log into their 3rd period class at 12:50. We apologize for any inconvenience.
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Lisa Rush
Good Evening CMS Parents and Guardians, This week will be our students’ final testing session for this school year! Students will be taking the STAR Math Test in their Math classes. • Please make sure that your children attend as usual, get sufficient sleep, and eat a good breakfast prior to these assessments. • Finally, we would appreciate that your student brings their own pair of earbuds/headphones to cancel out noise while taking the tests. Week of May 17-21: STAR Math Test Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Julie McKissick Assistant Principal
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Julie McKissick
Hello! We have a quick health reminder for CMS Parents and Guardians. 1. Temperatures are rising. If your child is attending school in person, please send them with a water bottle. We have water bottle filling stations on campus. 2. If you have a 6th grader, please be sure to make an appointment for him/her to get the required Tdap vaccination and turn in a copy of the immunization record to our school office in order to attend 7th grade in the fall (if you have not done so already). Thank you and I hope you have a nice evening.
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Julie McKissick
hot sun
See attached flyer for information regarding a COVID-19 vaccine event TODAY from 4-8 pm at Rancho Cucamonga High School. Anyone 12 and up is welcome (parent or guardian must be present if under 18) and appointments are encouraged. https://5il.co/smai
over 3 years ago, Central School District
Good Evening CMS Parents & Guardians, Students can return district laptops, chargers, and hotspots early if they have an alternative device to use, such as a personal laptop, tablet, or smart cell phone. Please note that the last day of school, Friday, May 28th, is going to be like “Asynchronous Mondays”. However, students will check-in at 9 a.m. with their 3rd Period teachers for 30 minutes (and be assigned asynchronous work). If your student still has a district laptop, charger, and/or hotspot after Friday, May 28th, then please drive by and drop these off at our tent station in front of the school on Tuesday, June 1st, or Wednesday, June 2nd, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, May 31st is a national holiday and the school office will be closed. Thank you and I hope you have a great evening.
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Julie McKissick
School's Out!
Attention 8th grade families whose students will be off to Chaffey Joint Union High School District next year! Please see attached link with information regarding new school hours for the 21-22 school year: https://cjuhsd.net/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1800413&type=d&pREC_ID=2174044
over 3 years ago, Central School District
Good Evening Cucamonga Middle School Community, We want to make you aware of a free COVID-19 Vaccination Event at Rancho Cucamonga High School (11801 Lark Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701) this Thursday, May 13th, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The event will be using Pfizer. All individuals, age 16 and older, are welcome. No insurance is required. Appointments are encouraged, but walk-ins are accepted. If you are interested, please see the flyer in the link below to scan the QR code or go to MyTurn.ca.gov and provide the requested information. Thank you! https://centralelementary-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/jmckissick_csd_k12_ca_us/EWEDanin_T9NlwWJFLYNGKQBM3DLfvnMYoqEkCQ-4nHW9w?e=b2CKUg
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Julie McKissick
Grab & go meals are available for FREE to all students! Check out this week's menu offerings: https://5il.co/sgj4
over 3 years ago, Central School District
Good Evening CMS Parents and Guardians, We have received permission from CA State to provide local assessments instead of the CAASSP this year. • The purpose of these tests is to provide data on all students’ present levels as well as academic growth in the areas of reading and math. We also use them to identify possible needs for future academic interventions. • The testing schedule is below. These tests will be taken while in class (either while in person on campus or in online Distance Learning classes) with an ELA or Math teacher. Those teachers will provide testing access information/links. • Please make sure that your children attend as usual, get sufficient sleep, and eat a good breakfast prior to these assessments. • Finally, we would appreciate that your student brings their own pair of earbuds/headphones to cancel out noise while taking the tests. *TESTING SCHEDULE: Week of May 4-7: Reading Inventory Week of May 11-14: STAR Reading Test Week of May 17-21: STAR Math Test Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Julie McKissick Assistant Principal
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Julie McKissick