Our CMS Wind Ensemble had an amazing opportunity to travel to Azusa Pacific University on Friday to participate in a clinic and performance with our sister school @ruth_musser_middle. They had so much fun learning and growing their musical skills!
Today we honor Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance. May we never forget the courage & bravery that carried our nation through the tragic events of that day 22 years ago.
Thank you CMS ASB, cheer and staff for making our "Welcome Back" rally a memorable one! #DoYourPART #Pride.Action.Respect.Trust
We kicked off the 23-24 school year with first day excitement and smiles! Tomorrow is our first full day of the school year & we can't wait! #cougarpride #BELIEVE
We can't wait to welcome our 2023-24 CMS Cougars to our campus on Tuesday, August 8th for the first day of school. The first day is a MINIMUM DAY and school ends at 12:24 pm. See you then for the start of a great year! #cougarpride
We celebrated the achievements of our AVID 8 students with our annual banquet on Thursday night. Congratulations AVID scholars and families--we know your future is bright and you will achieve great things in high school and beyond!
The Cougar Culinary Club concluded the year with a baking competition. Teams designed, baked and decorated their cakes and did an amazing job! Thank you CSD for providing enrichment opportunities for our students! #togetherwearecsd
Our new CMS Wellness Center is a safe space to connect, play and decompress, especially during state testing weeks. Come join us in rm. 6 on Wellness Wednesday each week!
Students & elective teachers hosted an incredible elective fair for our 6th and 7th grade students at lunch to showcase the amazing opportunities for our CMS Cougars, including Band, AVID, Orchestra, ASB, Multi-Media, Drama, Fit for Life and STEM. #cougarpride #togetherweareCSD
We welcomed back students this week and wanted to clean house to finish the year ORGANIZED! Thanks for helping us put the "O" in WICOR, AVID! 🙌👍👏#cougarpride #avid4college
Our Cougar Chefs watch a demo from Ms. Vandergrift prior to making their own batches of dough in after school Culinary Club. Students use fractions to change recipe portions and of course TEAMWORK! Looks like it's "Easy Homemade Pizza" for dinner tonight! 🍕🍕🍕#cougarpride
Wishing you all a wonderful spring break!
"Trusted Adult Thursday"--Today students expressed gratitude to those trusted adults at CMS who they view as reliable, caring sources of support 💚💚 #saysomethingweek #saysomethingsaveslives #togetherwearecsd
Though the rain was non-stop, our AVID students had a fantastic visit to UCLA and got an inside view of college life. Thank you to the amazing AVID team for providing this opportunity for our students! @avid4college
"Who's With Me Wednesday?" CMS Cougars pledge to be UPSTANDERS to keep our school safe. #saysomethingsaveslives #saysomethingweek #togetherwearecsd
To kick off "Say Something Week," students took the pledge to report to a trusted adult if they recognize warning signs. See link for more information https://www.sandyhookpromise.org/blog/gun-violence/know-the-signs-of-gun-violence/ #saysomethingweek #saysomethingsaveslives
Congratulations to our CMS "Battle of the Books" team who took first place in the district competition. Way to go Cougars & thank you Ms. Perrette for leading the team to victory! #TogetherWeAreCSD #cougarpride
CMS Staff and alumni brought home the "Gold Ball" trophy in the Staff vs. Students basketball game. We had a great basketball season and it was a fun way to wrap it up! #CougarPride
We hope our CMS families enjoy the three day weekend to honor Presidents Day. We will see you when school resumes Tuesday, February 21st.
We are so proud of our Cougars for reaching new academic heights! Today we celebrated 165 students who made exceptional growth on their STAR reading and math assessments with certificates and a treat. Way to GROW Cougars! # CougarPride