If you have not already, please take a few minutes to complete our district's LCAP survey by March 19th. We value your voice and input! https://bit.ly/30SEfIl
Our office staff is busy assembling individual supply bags for students when they return in a few short weeks!
If you want your child to remain in Continued Distance Learning for the remainder of the 20-21 school year, you MUST complete the Continued Distance Learning Participation agreement by tomorrow, Thursday March 11th at 5pm.
If you wish for your child to remain in Distance Learning and did not receive the Participation Agreement link, please contact your school office.
We are so excited to have students return in person after Spring Break! Here are a few of the safety features that have been added since you have been gone - air filtration systems , hand sanitizers and individual student partitions.
The attached communication that was sent out by principals yesterday outlines the timeline for our students' return to school campuses after spring break. We cannot wait to see our students in person again! If you would like your child to remain in distance learning, make sure to complete the survey link in the letter by tomorrow, Friday, March 5th. https://5il.co/q8aa
Mrs. Lopez and her student teacher, Ms. Ceniceros, participated in a virtual STEMapalooza with their 4th grade class last week. She reported that a post survey revealed students LOVED this event and feedback comments included, "I want to be a biotech person, I want to go into aviation, I want to be a crime scene investigator. " What a wonderful opportunity for them!
We will be celebrating Read Across America Week with some fun dress days next week. See the flyer below and have fun!
Attention CSD Families: If you have not already, please read the attached communication from Superintendent Libutti: 2.24.21 Reopening Letter English https://5il.co/pz2c 2.24.21 Reopening Letter Spanish https://5il.co/pz2d
In this final week of Black History Month, we remember and honor the influential life and powerful words of activist and leader Representative John Lewis. 🌟⭐☀️✨⚡
Here is a chance for you to get to know a little about one of the district's mental health counselors who works with students at our school, Ms. Powers! Click on the following link. https://youtu.be/137B4P7ZJpE
Online enrollment is open for the 2021-22 school year. Families can now enroll any student who is NEW to Central School district using the online Aeries portal. Share with your friends and neighbors who have a TK or K student starting school next year! The link is also available on the district and school websites: https://centralsd.asp.aeries.net/air/
A video created by the Medal of Honor Foundation helps us understand what integrity means, today's Kindess Week focus. https://vimeo.com/218946897
What a thrill it was for some of our students to watch NASA's Perserverance Rover land on Mars today! It brings back memories for me of sitting in the hallway with students in my elementary school, with a black and white TV at one end, watching men land on the moon!
Today's Kindness Week character focus is Responsibility! To find out what that means, click on the following link. https://youtu.be/7ew6herS7Gg
The focus of Kindness Week is showing courage today. Click on the following link to be inspired by a courage of a young girl! https://youtu.be/o1CxKPrK5GY
We are celebrating Kindness Week February 15 - 19. Today's focus is on CARING. Click on the link below for a sweet video in which children share what it means to be caring. https://youtu.be/UeAv4Be55F8
There is no school on Monday, February 15th in honor of Presidents' Day.
As part of their Human Machine Mystery Science lesson, our 4th grade students made robotic fingers and hands!
Here is the final messages from the wonderful counselors that serve our district's schools. Thank you Mrs. Chavez, for all you do for Dona Merced!
CSD is fortunate to have a MIGHTY team of counselors! They work tirelessly to engage and celebrate students, as well as support them academically, socially and emotionally. Thank you for being ALL IN for our students! 🙌