Board Agenda

To view the current Board Agenda,
please click the link below.

03-13-25 Full Agenda

Addressing the Board

Community members wishing to address the Board of Trustees during the Public Comment segment of the agenda are asked to fill out a "Request to be Heard" form prior to the beginning of the meeting.  Use a yellow form to address the Board regarding an item on the agenda.  Use a blue form to address the Board during Public Comment time regarding a topic not on the agenda.  Forms are available at the entrance of the Board Room.  Speakers are allowed a maximum of three (3) minutes to address the Board on any item within the Board's jurisdiction.  The Board Trustees listen to the comments but do not engage in a dialogue with speakers.  Any questions posed by the public with their remarks will be responded to by district staff in as timely a manner as possible.  Please contact Tracy Avila, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent, if you have any questions.  She can be reached at (909) 989-8541 or email her at

Special Accommodations
Pursuant to the American with Disabilities Act, persons with a disability who require a disability-related modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting, including auxiliary aids, translation assistance or services, may request such modification or accommodation by contacting the Superintendent's Office.  Please contact Tracy Avila at (909) 989-8541 or email her at

Board Agenda Archive