Employee Benefits & Services

Central School District provides a comprehensive package of employee benefits to all eligible employees. The Employee Benefit packet is designed to provide assistance to you, the employee, in becoming familiar with your benefit programs and how they work.  Please don't hesitate to contact Sonia Lubelski in the Business Department for assistance should questions arise. 
All new benefit-eligible employees will be provided with enrollment information.   Open Enrollment is held every April/May.  Employees may change medical carriers only at open enrollment.  New Employees who are eligible for benefits will receive coverage the first day of the following month of their first day worked.  

 Blue Shield members may change Primary Care Providers at any time outside of open enrollment simply by calling the 800 number listed on the back of their membership card. 

 Enrollment of newly acquired dependents must be completed within 31 days of the event.   Please bring in an original birth certificate and/ or Marriage license to the benefits department activate coverage for your new dependent(s).  The birth certificate is needed as soon as possible.  


What is BenefitFocus?

  • BenefitFocus is Central School District’s benefits self-service website. You will be able to access this tool to help manage and view your benefits at any time. This service will greatly enhance your ability to access, manage and learn about your benefit programs.

  • BenefitFocus allows you to view, enroll in and make changes to your benefits information quickly, easily and securely. Since this system is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you can view and change information conveniently.   The BenefitFocus app can be downloaded from the Google Play or Apple app store for your smartphone. 

As a Central School District employee, you can:

  • View your benefit information and links to providers

  • Enroll in benefits during open enrollment

  • Change your beneficiary information and make changes throughout the year

  • View messages from the Human Resources Department regarding your benefits

  • Access benefits-related documents

  • See a graphical representation of your total compensation package

To access the BenefitFocus Online Enrollment Platform, go to: csd.hrintouch
2021 Renewal information from Benefit Meeting Powerpoint presentation:   https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/47f81535-e54c-4412-bb59-937c0d024ec5

 Dependent Eligibility Review information    Dependent Eligibility Review 2019.pdf (PDF)

VOYA Evidence of Insurability form.pdf


To view the websites for all Medical and Insurance providers as well as BestNet, the employee self service website for prior paystubs and tax information, please visit:  Website Links to all Service Providers

California Commission on Teacher Credentialing:  www.ctc.ca.gov

State Teachers Retirement System (STRS):  www.calstrs.com

California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS):  https://www.calpers.ca.gov/

Social Security Administration:  www.ssa.gov

Absence Reporting:  www.frontlinek12.com/aesop

Job Opportunities:  www.edjoin.org