Uniform Disaster Plan
This handbook has been supplied to sites as a procedure guide in the event of a major disaster.
All types of natural and man-made disasters are covered. It is recommended that you pay close
attention to the section on earthquakes. The reason for this is that earthquakes have the
greatest potential of creating more destruction to life and property.
Please take the time to go through the material and familiarize yourself with the emergency
procedures. Please share the contents of this book with your staff.
A. This plan is designed to prepare for the impact of a major disaster or emergency affecting
one or more of the schools in the District. These guidelines are general in nature. They
include a quick reference emergency action guide and a list of emergency telephone
numbers. This plan will be supplemented by individual school or site disaster plans.
B. Mass panic is one of the greatest dangers to students. Staff members should remember
that in times of stress students would look for leadership from their teachers. Therefore,
remain calm, evaluate the situation, and take action based on the best available information.
C. A well prepared and tested plan for prompt and positive protective actions will minimize
injuries and loss of life in a major disaster. Therefore, all school staff members must be
thoroughly familiar with the contents of this plan and the individual site disaster plans.
D. In the absence of orders from the Superintendent or designee, each school principal is
authorized and directed to implement the actions contained in this plan. Further, each
principal shall take such other actions as may be necessary to save lives, mitigate the effects
of disasters and ensure the welfare of the students.
E. All recommendations for changes, additions or deletions to this plan should be forwarded to
the Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources and Safety Preparedness who is the Disaster
Preparedness Coordinator.
F. This Disaster Plan incorporates the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS).
Web links for additional Emergency Plan information.
U.S. Department of Defense Homeland Security
Department of Homeland Security
County of San Bernardino
County of San Bernardino, Public Health
California Governor's Office of
Emergency Services
U.S. Department of Education's
Assisting schools with emergency planning
American Red Cross, Inland Empire Chapter
Air Quality Management District
Teaching Tolerance
National Association of School Psychologists
Academy of Pediatrics (Journals and Publications)
American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress