Home and Hospital Instruction Program
Home/Hospital Instruction (HHI) provides the opportunity for a student to continue his/her current educational program while under a temporary disability that makes attendance in regular day class or an alternative education program impossible or inadvisable. A temporary disability does not include a disability for which a student has been identified as an individual with exceptional needs (i.e., student receiving special education pursuant to Education code 48206.3). HHI is a service, not a replacement for full-time in-person school. Education Code 48206.3 limits the instructional support to five (5) hours per week. Instructional Tutors who support students in the HHI Program will support them in completing work in their core subject areas, but not in electives or PE. All students need to be enrolled in Central School District to receive HHI services from our staff.
A student is eligible to receive HHI when the following criteria are met:
1. The student has incurred a temporary physical, mental or emotional disability;
2. The disability is temporary after which the student can be reasonably expected to return to regular day class without special interventions;
3. A licensed physician or mental health professional has provided written verification that the student’s disabling conditions produces a requirement for HHI. (Statement of Physician Form)
4. The student will be out of regular school from a period of 2 weeks – 9 weeks.
5. If an extension is required, the licensed physician must complete another Statement of Physician Form to document the new anticipated timeline and reason for the extension. A meeting may be held to determine if the Home and Hospital Program is the best placement for the student.
Home and Hospital Program Forms:
1) Request for Home and Hospital Instruction Form – Form HH1
2) Parent/Guardian Agreement Form – Form HH2
3) Statement of Physician – to be completed by a licensed physician or licensed mental health professional.
4) Home and Hospital Instruction- Physician Clearance form must be provided to the School Nurse prior to the student’s return to school.
Home and Hospital Program Links:
1) Home and Hospital District Policies
2) View Regulation 6183: Home And Hospital Instruction (eboardsolutions.com)