Bullying Prevention Resources
Click HERE to Anonymously Report Bullying
Central School District / BP 5131.2 | |
Central School District / AR 5131.2 | |
Central School District / BP 1312.3 | |
These are the annual notifications to parents of students enrolled in Central School District | |
Central School District Title IX Notification | |
Online Bully Prevention and Resources | |
Online resources to help identify cyberbullying, prevention | |
Resources from the State of California Department of | |
Discloses the practices of the California Department of | |
It is the policy of the State of California that all persons, | |
Central School District / BP 5141.52 | |
Central School District / AR 5141.52 | |
In this video teens describe common signs that a teen is | |
Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment,Anti-Intimidation, and Anti-Bullying Policies | Central School District / Pupils and Parents/Guardians |
Special Education council presentation providing parents background and education to better understand mood changes in children as well as strategies that can assist in improving communication and parenting. |